Local April 11, 2023 | 2:36 pm

Public Ministry requested the Documents of Gory Moya, linked to Operation Calamar

On Tuesday, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Alfredo Pacheco, announced that the Public Ministry had requested various pieces of information from Deputy Sergio “Gory” Moya regarding his involvement in the corruption network known as Operation Calamar. “We are moving forward, and the first to be investigated are among us,” Pacheco stated. He went on to say that public officials are always susceptible to being investigated and that due process and constitutional law will be followed in all cases.

According to the accusation file of Operation Calamar, Gorys Moya, a member of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), was one of the coordinators of the extortion scheme for lottery benches that was created by former Minister of Finance Donald Guerrero. Moya was implicated in the Calamar case after Ramón Emilio Jiménez Collie (aka Mimilio) was interrogated and questioned about how Moya became involved in the illegal collection structure for lotteries and sports betting.

While only Moya’s information has been requested at this time, Pacheco noted that documents from other deputies have been requested in the past. In March, Moya defended himself in the Chamber of Deputies, stating that if the Public Ministry can prove his involvement in the case, he would resign from his seat.

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