Local April 14, 2023 | 3:08 pm

Only 2 in 10 girls go back to school after pregnancy; 6% express family violence

A study conducted by the international organization World Vision Dominican Republic found that only 20% of pregnant girls return to school after giving birth. The Dominican Republic has the highest rate of adolescent pregnancies in Latin America and is ranked fourth in early unions, costing the State approximately 245 million dollars annually. World Vision is deeply concerned about the situation, especially when considering other indicators of school dropouts and child violence.

The organization is focused not only on improving educational quality for vulnerable children but also on addressing child violence. These statements were made during the presentation ceremony of Elicaury Bautista Bidó, the new representative of World Vision in the country, where she renewed the organization’s commitment to positively impact the lives of 3.2 million boys and girls by 2024.



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Paul Tierney
April 15, 2023 10:36 am

Only two in 10 go back most likely because there is nobody to babysit for them while they are in school and/or there is no government program to do same. Child violence is another reason among others.