Local April 19, 2023 | 11:14 am

Deputies seek to create the Ministry of the Family and incidentally protect life

The goal of the proposed legislation, supported by 23 deputies in the National Congress, is to merge the Ministries of Women and Youth to create the Ministry of the Family. This ministry would prioritize policies aimed at protecting life from conception in the womb. The proposal seeks to repeal laws 86-99 and 49-00, which respectively created the Secretary of State for Women and the Secretary of State for Youth. The Ministries of Women and Youth would become vice ministries within the Ministry of the Family, with the Vice-Ministry for Women being renamed the Vice-Ministry for Equity.

The proposed bill outlines the general principles of the Ministry of the Family, including values such as dignity, justice, equality, and responsibility. The ministry would be organized into functional sectors for decision-making, planning, and execution, with a National Family Council created to provide guidance.

The proposed legislation aims to promote family unity and would create policies to protect life, care for orphans and children in foster care, provide sexual education, support responsible maternity and paternity, and facilitate couples in formalizing their relationships.

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