Local April 25, 2023 | 8:15 am

Dominican justice sentences four Colombians to prison for drug trafficking

Four Colombian nationals who were apprehended in March 2020 while transporting 275 kilograms of cocaine by boat in Punta Caucedo, east of Santo Domingo, have been sentenced to 20 years in prison by a Dominican court on Monday. The Second Collegiate Court of Santo Domingo Este handed down the sentence to Hendris Yohannis Pérez Cuevas, Jazel de Jesús Hernández Martínez, Norber Reyna Boya, and Osman David Álvarez Álvarez, according to a statement released by the Public Ministry.

The drug was found in 264 packages during an operation carried out by the Dominican Air Force, the National Drug Control Directorate, and the Public Ministry in Dominican waters on March 13, 2020. The operation was conducted on the high seas.

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