Local May 1, 2023 | 8:52 am

Beach day! Onamet forecasts high temperatures and clear skies

The National Meteorological Office (Onamet) forecasts hot temperatures for this Monday due to the time of the year and the warm wind from the southeast, so we recommend wearing light-colored light clothing, avoiding exposure to the sun without proper protection between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm and drinking enough fluids.

The atmosphere is expected to be mainly clear and slightly cloudy over several provinces, where scarce precipitation will prevail most of the day.

However, the moisture carried by the wind and the effects of a weak trough will generate isolated downpours and thundershowers in the afternoon until early evening towards towns in the northwest line, Cibao Valley, Central Cordillera, and the border area.

“For tomorrow, Tuesday, the trough is expected to continue over the country, therefore, during the afternoon some increases in cloudiness are expected that would leave scattered showers and thunderstorms again over towns in the interior of our territory located in the northwest line, the Cibao Valley, the Central Cordillera and the border area, “says the report.


“We continue to urge the population to make rational use of water, as we are in the seasonal drought period, which statistically ends in mid-April.”

Local forecast

In Greater Santo Domingo, the maximum temperature will oscillate between 31 °C and 33 °C (88 – 91°F), while the minimum will remain between 22 °C and 24 °C (72 – 75°F).

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