Local May 10, 2023 | 1:51 pm

Deputies approve in first reading bill of care for people with autism

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic’s Chamber of Deputies has approved the bill for the care, inclusion, and protection of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the first reading, with a commitment to further study the initiative in the second reading. The bill was originally proposed by senators Franklin Rodríguez, Dionis Sánchez, and Ginnette Bournigal.

The bill outlines penalties for natural or legal persons who prevent or disallow the enrollment of people with ASD in public and private educational establishments due to their condition. Such persons will be sanctioned with fines equivalent to one and 10 minimum wages in the public sector. Legal entities that allow children and young people with ASD to be victims of ridicule and aggression that threaten their dignity and emotional stability will also be subject to the same penalty.

The bill aims to regulate the care, protection, and full and effective inclusion of individuals with ASD in society, by protecting and guaranteeing their rights and meeting their needs. The legislative specifications will provide the necessary support for individuals with ASD and promote their full participation in all aspects of life. The bill is a significant step towards improving the quality of life for individuals with ASD and ensuring their rights are upheld in the Dominican Republic.

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