Local July 2, 2023 | 10:26 am

COE discontinues alert levels; heat to continue due to Sahara dust

COE discontinues alert levels; the heat will continue due to dust from the Zahara. External source

The Emergency Operations Center (COE) discontinued this Sunday, the alert levels it maintained in several provinces of the country, according to the last bulletin distributed by the organization at mid-morning this Sunday.
Using a communiqué, the entity informs that no changes in the weather are expected for this day, although it highlights the incidence of humidity and dust from the Sahara.

“The Directorate of the Emergency Operations Center (COE) reports that, according to today’s weather bulletin, from the National Meteorological Office “ONAMET, which forecasts that no major changes are expected in the state of the weather over our territory due to the permanence of an air mass with low humidity and the concentration of Saharan dust particles,” the statement said.

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The Sahara dust will cause continued sweltering heat

“We will have a sky with opaque aspect, warm atmosphere and scarce rains in great part of the national geography, however, due to the passage of a weak tropical wave, with greater activity over waters of the Caribbean Sea, showers and possible thunderstorms will occur in the afternoon over the southeast and the central mountain range,” continues the document distributed to the media.

In that sense, it lifts the green alert levels issued in several areas of the country.

“By virtue of the above and the provisions of Article 2 Chapter 1, of Law 147-02, on Risk Management, this Emergency Operations Center (COE) DISCONTINUES the GREEN ALERT LEVEL for possible flooding of rivers, streams and creeks, as well as flash or urban flooding, for the following provinces: Santiago and La Vega,” the document ends. For this Sunday, little rain is expected, but very hot due to the phenomena affecting the country.

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