Local July 10, 2023 | 8:09 am

Claudia Rita Abreu denounces the lack of female participation of the PLD in the media

Santo Domingo.- Claudia Rita Abreu, a member of the central committee of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) and a prominent advocate for women’s rights, has expressed her concern regarding the unequal visibility given to women in both the media and political parties.

Abreu highlighted the contradiction between discussing merits and criticizing quotas while women continue to lack the same level of visibility as men in practice.

This concern was prompted by the recent successful march organized by her party, where Abreu observed that despite active female participation, only 18 spokesperson positions were occupied by men, with no women selected for such roles.

Claudia Rita Abreu emphasized that this situation reflects an enduring gender inequality prevalent in both the political and media spheres. She stressed the crucial need for the media and political parties to recognize the significance of providing equal voice and visibility to women as a concrete measure to promote equality and enable women’s active participation in decision-making.

Abreu urged the media to acknowledge their responsibility in advancing gender equality and ensuring an equitable platform for women’s voices to be heard. Furthermore, she called upon political parties to implement effective measures to guarantee equal gender representation within their structures and decision-making processes.

In conclusion, the activist reaffirmed her dedication to fighting for gender equality and empowering women’s full participation in all aspects of society. Abreu emphasized the importance of including and recognizing female voices as a fundamental step towards creating a more just and equitable society.

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