Local July 28, 2023 | 3:39 pm

Minister: for more than 25 years the school has not required a birth certificate to enroll

Santo Domingo.- Minister of Education, Ángel Hernández, clarified that for over 25 years, a birth certificate has not been required to enroll a child in public schools.

This decision was taken to ensure that all children, especially those in rural areas and marginalized neighborhoods, have access to education, regardless of having the document.

The right to education is considered universal, and the Ministry of Education reaffirms its commitment to enrolling all students, including those without a birth certificate. The institution has issued guidelines for the registration process to facilitate this inclusive approach to education.

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Peter Harris
July 28, 2023 6:54 pm

The Minister of Education is so correct to do this. Many children have parents without ID cards . That makes it even more complicated to get a birth certificate. How about the next step being a full-fledged amnesty to allow Dominicans to easily obtain ID cards ? It is incredible how many Dominicans cannot get a card because of the convoluted and expensive procedures required.

July 29, 2023 2:48 am

Un gobierno lleno de traidores al servicio de la haitianizacion…

July 29, 2023 9:15 am

Is the ministry active in identifying those children without the bc and helping in acquiring it ?. Probably not.