Local July 30, 2023 | 10:00 am

Pro Consumidor to sanction JetBlue airline for non-compliance against consumers

Eddy Alcántara.

Santo Domingo.- The executive director of the National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (Pro Consumidor), Eddy Alcántara, declared that this entity would initiate a sanctioning process against the U.S. airline JetBlue “for each proven breach of consumer rights, in accordance with the provisions established in Law 358-05”.

Alcántara asked JetBlue customers to approach Pro Consumidor and formally present their claims or complaints so that the legal body of the entity can analyze the possible violations or affectations committed to their rights as users of this airline.

He warned that if fraud to the detriment of users by this airline is proven, “Pro Consumidor will proceed to sanction it in accordance with what is established in articles 104-105-107 of these regulations and other sectorial laws”.

Marte Piantini assures that the JAC will make airlines comply with their obligations.

“As soon as consumers who feel that their rights have been violated make their formal claims in this institution, we will immediately proceed to make the corresponding inquiries in an attempt to verify if there really was fraud, and if it is proven, we will initiate the process of the corresponding sanction,” he declared.

The official pointed out that Pro Consumidor can act ex officio, “but the ideal would be that the consumers could prove the violation of their rights and thus the entity will initiate a sanctioning process to try to solve any type of affectation that has been done to the users of the airline.”

Eddy Alcántara also recalled that last year this institution, which defends the rights of consumers, warned JetBlue to comply with the services they have been offering “due to the constant complaints of non-compliance on the part of consumers.”

The executive director of Pro Consumidor explained that after this warning, complaints decreased in principle, “but currently we have received several complaints from customers who have requested the services of this airline, for delays and cancellations of flights at the last minute to and from the Dominican Republic.”

Finally, the head of Pro Consumidor said that the law is clear in establishing that companies are obliged to offer quality goods and services and provide clear and truthful information to consumers.

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Paul Tierney
July 30, 2023 11:42 am

A full court press on JetBlue.

The people have a right to complain if they feel there has been a breach of contract between them and JetBlue. They have to be careful to document what happened to them to include complaint circumstances, airport, weather, flight number, date, time, employee names. This also would include exact reasons from airline for delays or cancellations such shortage of planes, crews, or mechanical problems, and time of notices. This also would include if the airport of departure had ground halt of all flights inbound and outbound or any other reason to cause delays.

There is a website, FlightAware, it provides information of flights, airport conditions to include weather and delays. An item of interest is it provides information about the inbound flight of a plane to be used for the outbound flight. If you use the website, you have advance notice of a possible delay or cancelation of your outbound flight sometimes before the airline advises you.