Local August 1, 2023 | 8:12 am

Senator Iván Silva denounces that 29 Dominican banks are accomplices of alleged financial crime of the State

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) senators’ spokesman, Iván Silva, accused 29 Dominican banks, including Banco de Reservas, Banco Múltiple BHD León, Banco Popular, and Scotiabank of the Dominican Republic, of being involved in a financial crime amounting to 20 billion pesos against the Dominican State.

The alleged violation of the Dominican Constitution has raised suspicions of financial, tax, and fiscal fraud, implicating officials Jochi Vicente, Minister of Finance, and Luis Valdez, General Director of Internal Revenue. Silva suggested that these officials colluded with the banks to benefit politically, professionally, and positionally, exploiting tax obligations consigned in the Income Tax.

The accused officials also negotiated an agreement with higher interests extending beyond the current and two subsequent legislatures. Silva announced the intention to assess these violations with legal and political counsel to determine responsibilities and actions taken by both public and private entities involved.

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Paul Tierney
August 1, 2023 9:55 am

Let’s put it this way. Rumor, rumor… says when powerful bank clients, including having large, very large amounts of cash going into or out of accounts are not given the same tough interrogations regarding the reason(s) for the money movements as the middle-class clients. The middle-class bank clients are questioned up and down over their transactions.

Friends who were bank officers years ago in an unnamed bank quit their jobs because of irregularities contrary to their good ethics.

August 1, 2023 11:00 pm

You are about to learn in this country a very painful lesson, cause you cannot be reasoned with…like soo many others…only force works…SO BE IT! THEN YOU WILL KNOW WHO IS THE LORD!