Local August 8, 2023 | 9:00 am

Cerrud says that the Haitian migration issue is a Parlacen issue

Santo Domingo.- The president of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen), Amado Cerrud Acevedo, stated that the issue of Haitian immigration is no longer just a matter for the Dominican Republic but for the Parlacen as well. The organization has taken the matter to international stages to address the challenges posed by the migration flows and human trafficking. Cerrud Acevedo emphasized that this is not only a situation in the central region but also a concern in Latin America, requiring attention from international organizations.

During the commemoration of the XXV anniversary of the Dominican Republic’s incorporation into Parlacen, the first deputies appointed by decrees were recognized for their contributions. Manuel de Jesús Pichardo Arias (Manolo) and Tony Raful Tejada, who were the first two Dominican deputies to preside over the Central American Parliament, received special recognition.

Additionally, posthumous tributes were paid to deceased parliamentarians, honoring their contributions to the organization. Several members were recognized for their dedication and service to the Central American Parliament, further highlighting the importance of cooperation and regional integration in addressing various challenges, including immigration issues.

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