Local August 8, 2023 | 11:02 am

Seven prisoners escape from the San Pedro de Macorís preventive prison

Santo Domingo.- Early Monday morning, a group of seven inmates managed to escape from the preventive prison located in the Palace of Justice Judicial District of San Pedro de Macorís. However, the authorities were quick to take action, and two of the escapees, Darlin Jaciel Adames, also known as “Cachapa,” and Juan Gabriel Jiménez, were successfully recaptured according to a preliminary report from the National Police.

The remaining fugitives, Daniel García Víctor, Ángel Luis Jiménez, Yam Luis Galde, Luis Antonio Santos Martínez, and Jhonson Junior Sierra, who all belonged to cell A of the prison, are still at large. The authorities have intensified their search efforts and remain actively engaged in locating and capturing the escapees promptly.

Updates will follow as the situation develops, and authorities will work tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of the public while bringing the remaining escapees to justice.

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