Local August 11, 2023 | 1:54 pm

The ONE does not yet have the margin of error of the X National Census

Santo Domingo.- Miosotis Rivas Peña, the General Director of the National Statistics Office (ONE), announced on Friday that efforts are underway to ascertain the margin of error in the data presented from the X National Population and Housing Census.

Rivas explained, “The National Statistics Office conducted a coverage and quality survey… we are working to gather this data because there are still gaps in data from municipalities and municipal districts, and we need to address those areas to provide the complete data instead of partial information.”

She emphasized that the census data is reliable and validated, making criticisms less significant. Noting that not every individual can be accounted for due to various reasons, Rivas pointed out that the census is a statistical operation that employs methods to make estimates. For example, if someone was outside the country on the census day, it doesn’t invalidate the census as there are techniques for making accurate estimates.

Rivas highlighted that these results will facilitate the formulation of new public policies for the benefit of Dominican society. She urged the population to have confidence in the data provided by the X National Population and Housing Census, stating, “You can trust the data, you can totally trust this data.”

The preliminary results of the X National Population and Housing Census revealed a total population of 10,760,028 inhabitants in the Dominican Republic, indicating a 13.9% increase compared to the figures from the 2010 Census.

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August 12, 2023 2:49 am

Ese censo fue un rotundo fracaso.