Local August 13, 2023 | 11:00 am

Luis Abinader will lead the 160th anniversary of the Restoration of the Republic

Luis Abinader

Santo Domingo.- The Permanent Commission of Patriotic Anniversaries, on behalf of the Dominican Government, informed of the commemorative acts of the 160th anniversary of the Restoration of the Republic, which began on August 16, 1863, with the Grito de Capotillo in Cerro Capotillo, Dajabón led by the patriots: Santiago Rodríguez, Benito Monción, Segundo Rivas, Pablo Reyes, Pablo Reyes, Juan de la Mata, Alejandro Bueno, Eugenio Belliard, Juan de la Cruz Álvarez, Sotero Blan, José Angulo, San Mézquita, José Cabrera, Tomás Aquilino Rodríguez, and an anonymous, named action.

Juan Pablo Uribe, president of the entity, said that because it is a round date, 160 years in history, it has a particular connotation in the celebration of historical memory, which is why the deed will be highlighted in high relief in the city of Santiago with an act and military-patriotic parade restorer from 2:00 in the afternoon headed by President Luis Abinader, which will be held for the first time for the occasion. Therefore it is a patriotic first for this Government.

Uribe also informed that there will be another tremendous patriotic act starting at 8:00 a.m. at the Grito de Capotillo Monument, in the Municipal District of Capotillo, in Dajabón, which civilian, military, and national anniversary authorities will head.

On August 18, the triumph in the battle of Guayubín, the first large-scale military confrontation between the Dominicans and the Spanish imperial army, will be commemorated with an extensive civic-military program after the Grito de Capotillo.

The president of Efemérides Patrias again highlighted the moral, political, and ideological commitment that President Luis Abinader has “with the heroic history of the Dominican people, as well as his defense of national sovereignty and the Dominican identity, historical elements that are reaffirmed with the powerful popular and nationalist social movement of the restoration 160 years ago,” Uribe pointed out.

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