Local August 24, 2023 | 10:33 am

President Abinader meets with his cabinet to assess damage caused by storm Franklin

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader is convening a session with his government cabinet and representatives from various relief, security, and emergency agencies to evaluate and oversee the aftermath caused by the passage of tropical storm Franklin across the Dominican territory.

This gathering is taking place within the Green Room of the National Palace and commenced at 9:00 AM.

The COE Emergency Operations Center has lifted the red alerts and shifted the status of all 32 provinces in the country to a yellow alert.

Participating in the meeting led by President Abinader are notable government figures, including Vice President Raquel Peña, Minister of the Presidency Joel Santos, Administrative Minister of the Presidency José Ignacio Paliza, Defense Minister Luciano Díaz Morfa, Finance Minister Jochy Vicente, Labor Minister Luis Miguel de Camps, Housing and Buildings Minister Carlos Bolilla, Public Works and Communications Minister Deligne Ascension, Agriculture Minister Limber Cruz, Public Health Minister Daniel Rivera, and others.

Additionally, attendees include Juan Manuel Méndez, Director of the COE Emergency Operations Center, Gloria Ceballo, Director of the Onamet National Meteorological Office, as well as Senate President Ricardo de los Santos, Senator Eduardo Estrella representing Santiago, and representatives from Edesur, Edeeste, and Edenorte.

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