Local August 26, 2023 | 11:00 am

“If Abinader wants to come back, he should start thinking about the poor.”

“If Abinader wants four more years, he should start thinking about the poor and give continuity to the houses built during the last government of Danilo Medina to take us to another place and that his people do not come here only to make photo and press appearances,” said Carlos Manuel Hernández, a resident of Ribera del Ozama.

He explained that the residents of his area and in Los Guandules and La Ciénega have given up hope that the Government will finish relocating the families in the Domingo Savio housing project since the President has little time left in power.

Hernandez, who lives in a zinc-roofed house inside an alley of block B in Rivera del Ozama, said that other people live like his family, walking among garbage and bathing in unhealthy ravines, since according to him, the water service is an odyssey.



“Living like this is something that takes away your peace from dawn until dark, not to mention when it rains, one sleeps scared and nervous just thinking that at any moment the land could slide or dawn all the neighbors drowned in water,” he said.

Despite the warnings from the authorities due to the imminent passage of storm Franklin for people in vulnerable areas to evacuate, Hernández alleged that he and his neighbors would not risk leaving their houses alone for fear of thieves running off with all their belongings.

“They only brought heated food and thank God we all have in our homes in a humble way, no one was going to give us the security to take care of our belongings, we only ask that they get us out of here so we can live with dignity,” he said.

With the waters of the Ozama River in their houses, the residents of the neighborhood Los Coordinadores, in Sabana Perdida, in the municipality of Santo Domingo Norte, live in front of the old Barquita where many have had to relocate their belongings in the houses of neighbors or relatives.

Concern also persists among residents of the La Zurza sector in the National District due to the possible flooding of the Ysabela River and in La Puya and Aguacate in Arroyo Hondo.

Abinader visits the 800 to see the damages.
President Luis Abinader visited Las 800 Canyon in the Los Rios sector yesterday morning to supervise the sanitation works affected by storm Franklin’s passage.

Abinader assured that the Government’s helping hand is ready to help all the families and businesses affected by the downpours.

Remember that a few days after arriving at the Presidency, we took on storm Laura, and we came here to see the damages since it destroyed several houses; if you go that way since it is ready, nothing has happened, and other atmospheric events have come”, explained the head of state to members of the press.

He reiterated that they initiated work to collect all the information on the damages caused by Franklin at the national level to allocate special funds and solve them since, for the president, his government is focused on helping the people.

During his visit, he took the opportunity to talk with the place’s inhabitants and supervise the damages, affirming his commitment to solving them.

According to his communications department, the president was scheduled to visit the gully located in the Manoguayabo sector, but it was canceled.

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August 26, 2023 3:55 pm

10.5 million are poor ,he doesn’t have resources …
Doesn’t matter who gets elected ,nothing will change either way …
Stop dreaming . ..
Vamos a buscar moro …