Local August 29, 2023 | 3:24 pm

Dominican Republic signs memorandum of understanding with Costa Rica and Panama for cooperation in cybersecurity

The National Cybersecurity Center (CNCS) of the Dominican Republic has entered into two significant agreements for cooperation in cybersecurity. One memorandum of understanding was signed with Costa Rica’s Ministry of Science, Innovation, Technology and Telecommunications (MICITT), while another was established with Panama’s National Cybersecurity Center, which falls under the Government Innovation Agency.

These agreements, formalized in Costa Rica, aim to facilitate bilateral cooperation by enabling the exchange of information concerning cybersecurity policies and best practices. The goal is to enhance global cybersecurity measures. These international initiatives align with the National Cybersecurity Strategy and are consistent with the 2030 Digital Agenda and the National Digital Transformation Strategy.

The executive director of CNCS, Juan Gabriel Gautreaux, signed these agreements alongside Juan Anria of Panama and Paula Bogantes, Costa Rica’s MICITT minister. Gautreaux emphasized that these collaborations set the stage for innovation, development, and security within the digital realm of the region.

He highlighted the significance of international cybersecurity cooperation in safeguarding citizens and digital systems, stressing the importance of fostering a secure, reliable, and resilient cyberspace both nationally and globally.

In Gautreaux’s view, cybersecurity and digital innovation serve as fundamental pillars in contemporary society, influencing a broad range of aspects from communication to the economy, health, and education. He underscored the unique challenges and opportunities faced by nations in an increasingly interconnected world, emphasizing that this agreement signifies a bold stride toward a more secure and prosperous future for countries striving to establish a safer, more resilient cyberspace.

Gautreaux also pointed out that this agreement will not only bolster individual capabilities but also lay a robust foundation for addressing common cyberspace challenges. He highlighted the agreement’s provisions for joint initiatives promoting training in areas such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and digital transformation, aiming to advance technology education and skills.

The memorandum of understanding signing took place in the presence of notable figures including the president of the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel), Lorenzo Sauceda Calix; the director of Cybersecurity of Costa Rica, Gezer Molina Colomer; and representatives from Honduras and the Dominican Republic, demonstrating the commitment of multiple nations to enhancing regional cybersecurity cooperation.

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