Local August 31, 2023 | 11:31 am

Abinader will strengthen the fight against drugs and estimates that he wins the elections in the first round

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader engaged in a two-hour interview with media directors from the Corripio communications group, discussing a range of topics including re-election, the economy, crime, and Haiti.

Abinader, who has chosen to seek re-election, explained that his decision was the result of months of reflection. He considered the reforms undertaken and planned, the people’s request, and the overall development plan. He acknowledged personal tranquility played a role in his decision, despite his reservations about immediate, continuous re-election as per the Constitution.

Regarding challenges to his re-election, Abinader identified three key concerns for Dominicans over the last three decades: the high cost of living, unemployment, and insecurity. He highlighted the country’s success in controlling inflation and maintaining a historic low unemployment rate of 5%, even amid global crises like the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the President expressed greater emphasis on the issue of security, noting that while progress has been made in reducing crime this year, even a single homicide or robbery is of great concern. Abinader acknowledged the ongoing process of reforming the National Police, emphasizing that it takes decades to transform the mindset and effectiveness of officers on the streets.

He further explained that his administration has worked to improve coordination among different sectors of public administration, particularly within the National Police, Ministry of Interior and Police, and prosecutors. When it comes to tackling organized crime, particularly drug trafficking, Abinader emphasized his administration’s commitment to responding disproportionately to such actions.

Collaboration with international organizations, such as the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Colombia, the European Union, England, and the Netherlands, has yielded positive results in reducing drug trafficking and micro-trafficking. Abinader noted increased seizures and arrests, indicating progress in dismantling criminal structures.

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August 31, 2023 4:33 pm

to do that you need more prisons , and you don’t have that …
Everyone is on the “take”, institutional corruption is beyond belief ….
Money from drugs is moving the wheels of entire country …
So if you “win” or anyone else “wins” will not change anything …
Different saddle and the rider on the same horse…

mike teicher
August 31, 2023 9:36 pm
Reply to  Fundador

and all the chinese communist money buying influence on the island, que gran ramera la RD