Local October 8, 2023 | 10:30 am

Yuneiry Tavárez has been missing for a month and nobody knows anything

Photographs by Yuneiry TavárezEXTERNAL PHOTO

Santo Domingo.-  “My sister is, because I have faith that she is alive, a very funny person, very sweet, who loves her son, a good sister, very social, my sister is very good,” Oliva described her sister Yuneiry, who has been missing for a month.

After a few hours without hearing from her and seeing that she did not arrive for lunch at her mother’s house, her family got worried, and that is when they got the news that she had disappeared.

It was a Monday afternoon, and she left her residence in San Isidro, wearing a pink flannel shirt and shorts.

According to a security camera video, this was the last time she was seen.

Oliva regretfully said that she last saw her on Sunday, the ninth of last month, when she visited her mother at her residence, as usual.

After leaving there, she spoke to her progenitor by text message and never heard from her again.

“What we want is to hug her again, to see her again, to continue celebrating together as a family; we are a very close family; we look for each other, we see each other, we drink coffee in the afternoons, and we are missing a family member and we want help to find her,” expressed the older sister with notable sadness, who was in front of the National Palace last Saturday in search of the President of the Republic to help them in the search for Yuneiry, of whom nothing is known to date.

With signs in hand and saddened faces, Yuneiry’s 12-year-old son, her sisters Oliva and Julisa, her mother Yanelis Hernandez, and other relatives asked the press for help to see her family soon.

“We are desperate because it has been a month now, a month since she disappeared,” said her mother, Hernandez, who denoted exhaustion and pain in her words.

Oliva stressed that the situation keeps the family in suspense; they cannot sleep and only hope their relative is safe and sound back among them.

“Please, our president, Mr. Luis Abinader, help us to mobilize the search with the corresponding authorities, to verify all the security cameras, to use the technology and the necessary intelligence to help us,” said the older sister.

She also informed that according to a security camera video, her sister left her home at 6:00 p.m., wearing a pink flannel shirt and shorts, but the video only shows her going.

He also commented that as a result of the investigation, the missing woman’s partner and two other people who are suspects were questioned, but whose information he did not want to provide in order “not to hinder the investigation.”

If anyone has information on Yuneiry’s whereabouts, the Tavarez family asks them to contact them at 809-660-5835.

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October 8, 2023 11:54 am

The worst nightmare for any family is to not know what has happened to a close family member . It is such a drawn out affair and my mind reflects on my own father who was posted missing presumed dead during WW11, yet 12 months later he was found.

Mr. Sensible
October 9, 2023 7:20 pm

Now…this is newsworthy and heartfelt… promoting the selling of a billionaire’s house is not.

I hope from all of my heart that the family locates this woman.