Local October 25, 2023 | 8:00 am

Strengthening the fight against crime, arms trafficking and other crimes

Santo Domingo—The Dominican Republic’s Citizen Security Plan decided yesterday to reinforce the measures established to protect society, families, and individuals.

After the weekly meeting of almost three hours yesterday at the National Police Palace, headed by President Luis Abinader, it was decided in the first place to strengthen measures regarding property rights, for which a specialized unit is being created, efforts to protect cab drivers and to prevent the importation of weapons through customs.

The Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos Echevarría, who acted as spokesman, explained that this unit will protect citizens with property such as land and other movable and immovable property.

He said that one of the critical aspects is to strengthen the typification of these crimes through a bill being negotiated in the Congress of the Republic.

He cited another unit being created by the Superior Police Council to offer more structure to the effort to defend citizens against crimes, especially homicides.

“It is an additional effort to continue reducing the homicide rate in the Dominican Republic, which this year stands at 11.85 per 100,000 inhabitants, having closed last year at 13.2%,” said the official, accompanied by the Minister of Interior and Police, Jesus Vasquez Martinez (Chu) and other members of the military.

Also, he said, they reviewed the latest events of robberies in significant league baseball academies, for which it was agreed to strengthen security in those places together with the Major Leagues.

Measures were agreed upon to protect cab drivers using a special mechanism using high technology so that they can carry out their work safely.

“The cab drivers will be allowed to use a panic button to protect themselves when working at night during their activities,” he said.

He also pointed out that at the meeting, it was agreed to strengthen sanctions for companies caught transporting firearms through Customs into the DR, including losing the import license for those caught in the practice.

This meeting aimed to evaluate and follow up on the actions implemented to strengthen citizen security.

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