Local October 28, 2023 | 12:00 pm

Government would regulate employment of Haitians in construction works

Luis Abinader presided over the signing of the Pact for Haiti, together with political parties and academics.

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Government assumed a series of commitments in the National Pact for the Haitian crisis, which it signed this Thursday together with academics and representatives of political organizations, without the presence of the major opposition parties.

President Luis Abinader signed the document in which his administration committed itself to comprehensively organizing Haitian immigration and the hiring of Haitian labor. Also, to make reforms in the border area to enhance its development.

One of the articles mandates to “cease as soon as possible and in an exemplary manner the hiring of Haitian labor under migratory conditions contrary to the law, its works or activities of the central government, autonomous and decentralized agencies, and municipalities.”

For the entry of immigrants who serve as labor force, it is established that the National Immigration Council will grant permits, according to annual admission quotas by activity sectors.

The Government would regulate the employment of Haitians in construction works.

To eliminate the need for these workers, they expressed the intention to promote, with the business sectors, the generation of commitments for productive transformation and the subsequent progressive incorporation of Dominican labor in those sectors where a process of denationalization of labor markets has been experienced.

The Government proposed reforming the norm of the General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGIl) so that the companies present the payroll with the personal data of the workers and the amount paid.

The authorities should intervene so that Haitian workers with legal status enjoy the same labor rights as Dominican workers.

In this Pact, the State assumed the task of “deporting, under the terms of Laws 285-04 and 344-98 and with due process, foreigners in a migratory situation contrary to the law, whether they are unemployed or hired in service sectors not provided with a permanence quota for temporary foreigners”.

In addition, the National Council for Children and Adolescents (Conani), through its offices at all border points, is given the responsibility of verifying that unaccompanied minors are not included in the deportation process.

The document’s text urges the development of a biometric control program for foreign nationals. It mandates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to modernize the issuance of visas to achieve greater integrity in their issuance.

The Pact for the Haitian crisis also establishes that the Dominican Republic should carry out an international crusade to motivate the world’s countries to take action in favor of Haiti.

To this end, it is proposed to send special missions abroad aimed at achieving a more significant commitment from the international community and to promote the support of other governments to help Haitian society and intermediate organizations.

Also, “to offer the construction and operation of three hospitals in Haiti, including the training of their management, medical and auxiliary personnel; in addition to other strategic works that imply significant contributions to reduce the current unsustainable pressure on Dominican public services; and to invite, at the same time, other countries to make similar and more significant investments than the Dominican contribution.

The intention of those who prepared the document is that the Dominican Republic invests money in these projects.

Actions were set to manage strict border control, such as technological supervision from a distance, accompanying the border fence with technological devices, evaluating the performance of civilian and military agents guarding the area, and administering a regime of consequences for those involved in the organization of illegal travel.

Also, to care for, restore, or replace missing or displaced border terminals, implement real-time, high-resolution satellite surveillance, and evaluate using arc detectors for weapons, explosives, ammunition, radiological and chemical components.

To promote the prosperity of border communities, the Government should develop plans, including a salary policy and a special and differentiated service status for civilian, police, and military public servants in that region.

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Jo josh
October 28, 2023 1:13 pm

Well that’s kind of good I guess

October 28, 2023 3:13 pm
Reply to  Jo josh

It takes a long time to reverse 100 years of corruption and mismanagement but it appears that the RD government is trying and making progress. Patience is required.

joaquin lukoki
October 28, 2023 5:25 pm
Reply to  Edward

So that begs the question… Why didn’t the DR government did this instead of causing all that drama with the border closing…?

October 29, 2023 7:42 am
Reply to  joaquin lukoki

I think the closure was more for getting the attention of the international community through the UN…

October 30, 2023 12:12 pm
Reply to  joaquin lukoki

The border closure was partially a security measure. Less than 2 weeks before the border closure, a Dominican family in Dajabon was slaughtered by members of a Haitian gang and days after the incident occurred the criminals were still out on the loose. For a while there have been growing concerns in the border area about rising crime rates in relation to illegal immigration and gang activity. The border closure was not just about the canal, it was also a safety measure.

Last edited 10 months ago by DCamp21