Local November 2, 2023 | 12:48 pm

Soto Jiménez considers Haitian migration constitutes a serious threat to the sovereignty of the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- José Miguel Soto Jiménez, a former secretary of the Armed Forces and a prominent figure in the Fuerza del Pueblo (FP) party has raised concerns about the massive Haitian migration and its potential threat to the security and sovereignty of the Dominican Republic.

Soto Jiménez believes that the gravity of the situation extends beyond the construction of a canal over the Massacre River on the Haitian side. He sees it as a complex issue that requires careful political management, especially considering the country’s ongoing electoral process leading up to the year 2024.

When discussing the lack of a clear state policy regarding immigration and border matters, Soto Jiménez rejected the idea that such a policy has existed in the past. He questioned why the government is proposing a National Pact on immigration now, particularly during an election period.

Soto Jiménez emphasized that the nation’s plan is outlined in the Constitution of the Republic, suggesting that the existing laws should be enforced rather than seeking new agreements.

Regarding the canal dispute on the Dominican-Haitian border, he argued that President Abinader is using it as a distraction from other pressing issues such as the high cost of living, healthcare inefficiencies, citizen insecurity, power outages, and the resurgence of dangerous sea journeys.

He recalled historical instances when the border was controlled during Trujillo’s regime and remained closed during Dr. Joaquín Balaguer’s government.

On a political note, Soto Jiménez expressed his belief that it is unlikely to prevent former President Leonel Fernández from seeking the presidency again in the upcoming elections. He praised Fernández’s extensive experience in statecraft, having served as president three times and initiated major infrastructure projects for the country’s development.

He also highlighted the formation of the Rescate RD alliance, emphasizing its long-term potential for the country’s progress and Fernández’s role as a pioneer in modernizing the state.

Soto Jiménez shared these insights during an interview on the “Periodismo y Sociedad” TV program, hosted by journalist Andrés Matos.

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