Local December 22, 2023 | 10:47 am

Edwin Mejía warns that arrests due to a suspicious profile will not stop crime during the Christmas season

Santo Domingo.- The President of the Permanent Commission of the Interior and Police of the Chamber of Deputies, Edwin Mejía, has strongly opposed the proposed arrests by the National Police during the Christmas season, which are based on the concept of “suspicious profiles.” This approach, which relies on people’s appearance and clothing, has raised significant concerns due to its violation of human rights and its ineffectiveness in addressing crime in the country.

Mejía emphasized, “It is unacceptable to detain individuals solely based on their appearance or choice of clothing. Many law-abiding citizens may wear clothing items such as masks, coats, sunglasses, or caps for personal or health reasons, without any connection to criminal activities.”

The commission’s president further noted that this discriminatory methodology not only infringes on the fundamental rights of citizens but also erodes trust in security institutions, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and tension, especially during the holiday season.

“It is concerning that they intend to arrest people for wearing coats, sunglasses, masks, and caps, especially when authorities have access to information about those involved in criminal activities in various neighborhoods. Additionally, it is common and reasonable for people to dress warmly during rainy and cold weather,” Mejía remarked.

He urged the authorities to cease such actions that undermine human dignity and instead advocated for citizen security strategies that respect individual rights without stigmatizing people based on their clothing or physical appearance.

The congressman reaffirmed the Permanent Commission on the Interior and Police’s strong commitment to safeguarding the civil and constitutional rights of the population. He called for a policing approach that, instead of compromising dignity and fundamental rights, is founded on principles of respect, legality, and effectiveness to ensure the safety of all citizens in the Dominican Republic.

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