Local February 17, 2024 | 12:00 pm

To avoid intoxication with pesticides, people must be instructed on their use

Santo Domingo – The Association of Manufacturers, Representatives, and Importers of Crop Protection Products (AFIPA) considered that to avoid intoxications with urban and agricultural fumigations, it is necessary to create awareness in the population about the use of pesticides.

The president of AFIPA, Manuel Suazo, indicated that the authorities and companies offering fumigation services must orient the users to take protective measures.

Suazo regretted the recent tragedy that occurred in an apartment of a tower in the Gazcue sector, where a woman and her baby died, and other relatives were affected by intoxication as a result of fumigation in which adequate measures were not taken.

He specified that the population must be instructed on the measures to be taken when fumigating in their homes to avoid intoxications that can cause the death of one or more of their members.
He said that when a family hires a company to fumigate their home, they should find out if it is accredited and has specialized personnel in urban and structural pest control.

He recalled that crop protection products significantly reduce losses of food and other agricultural products caused by pests and diseases and strengthen food security.

However, the AFIPA president warned that their use of pesticides carries risks that must be mitigated through proper handling and use practices.

He said that the agrochemical sector is one of the most controlled, including regulations in their registration, efficacy and safety evaluations, toxicity and ecotoxicity studies, and others, up to their final disposal.

He indicated that, in fact, the instructions for handling and proper use of each phytosanitary product, including safety measures, first aid, and treatment in cases of poisoning, are given on the label and pamphlet that accompanies them and are previously approved by the Ministry of Agriculture.

He pointed out that AFIPA has a permanent training program on the proper use and handling of phytosanitary products, which is made up of the leading manufacturers, representatives, and importers of crop protection products in the country due to the need to mitigate the risks associated with their use.

He added that the CuidAgro Program, which has been operating in the Dominican Republic for over 30 years, has trained more than 80,000 people in Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) over the last 13 years.

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Paul Tierney
February 17, 2024 3:24 pm

Lack of Instruction on how to use pesticides in the RD has never been an obstacle to their application. It not unusual an illiterate worker is tasked to spread the poisons. If anyone has visited an agriculture supply store in the RD, many products, including pesticides, are measured… sold out of bulk containers into sacks or vessels without labeling and instruction.

What should be done to protect the people most likely will not be done.