Santo Domingo.- The Yaque del Norte Water Fund and the strategic communication firm Blue Compass Consulting have entered into a collaborative agreement to work together on initiatives aimed at promoting water security and conserving the recharge zones of the Yaque del Norte River basin.
This collaboration aims to address the sustained deterioration of the Yaque del Norte River in recent decades due to factors like deforestation, inadequate agricultural practices, and urban expansion. The river, a vital water source for nearly 2 million people and irrigation for over 100,000 hectares of land, currently has less than 40% of its original flow.
The agreement signifies a joint effort to reverse this degradation, with Blue Compass providing support in communication, relationship management, dissemination, and positioning strategy for the Yaque del Norte Water Fund.
Juan Manuel Ureña, president of the Yaque del Norte Water Fund, emphasized the importance of strengthening communication strategies to promote better water use and awareness. The initiative seeks to enhance relationships with the media, digital platforms, and opinion leaders to support government, congressional, and municipal relations.
Susana Martinez Nadal, managing partner of Blue Compass, highlighted that the agreement aligns with the firm’s sustainability policy, aiming to promote initiatives for environmental care and preservation, especially focusing on water protection in the Dominican Republic.
Martinez Nadal emphasized the central role of water in the country’s sustainable development and the need to address challenges such as pollution, droughts, and climate change effects. The commitment involves designing strategies to engage key stakeholders and foster public-private alliances to identify solutions for protecting this crucial resource.