Local March 2, 2024 | 11:00 am

300 hours of social work and payment of 200 thousand pesos to driver who dragged dog in Higuey

Photograph shows driver Julio César Jiménez Martínez, alias César de Aza, who dragged dog in Higüey.EXTERNAL SOURCE

La Altagracia – The Court of Permanent Attention of the province of La Altagracia imposed 300 hours of social work, periodic presentation, and an economic guarantee of 200 thousand pesos to a man who dragged a dog from his vehicle, brutally killing the dog in a street of the municipal district of La Otra Banda, in the municipality of Higüey.

Julio César Jiménez Martínez, alias César de Aza, 37 years old, was found guilty of violating Law 248- 12 on Animal Protection and Responsible Dog Ownership.

In the video that has gone viral, the individual was observed dragging the dog, tied with a rope, in the back of his vehicle and driving through different streets until he caused the death of the animal.

Jimenez Martinez was arrested after identifying himself as the driver of the car, license plate RAV4, gray, G094214.

Although he publicly apologized for what happened and identified himself as a ‘Christian,’ the vehicle was covered with a tarp and without a license plate, hidden in a lot near his residence.

The video could be identified due to a political poster of a female candidate hanging in one of the streets where Julio Cesar circled.

It was established that at the beginning, the dog was seen running tied to the vehicle, but due to the speed of the car, he was heartlessly dragged until he died from the brutality.

The animal protection organization denounced the case and set a precedent in the area.

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March 2, 2024 3:51 pm

Sadly the real animal here was the one with two legs.

Last edited 5 months ago by Jim
March 2, 2024 3:55 pm

Today he kills the dog ,tomorrow in demonic rage he will kill someone else …
There is no remedy for disturbed degenerates like him …
Hard, hard , hard labor ,not imprisonment…

“Arbeit macht frei” needs to be implanted …

March 2, 2024 4:52 pm

Drag that bastard up and down a few street (20 or 30) and then leave what’s left of him by the side of the road for scavengers. He doesn’t even deserve a decent burial. What kind of family raises a monster like that?

March 2, 2024 5:56 pm

Psychiatric help is what clearly is needed for this criminal. The kind pedos get in La Victoria