Local April 12, 2024 | 9:13 am

Initiating traffic improvement projects in southwest capital area

Santo Domingo.- The Minister of Public Works, Deligne Ascención, has announced the commencement of a series of projects aimed at enhancing vehicular traffic flow in the southwest region of the capital. These projects encompass the improvement of Luperón, Isabel Aguiar, and Prolongación 27 de Febrero avenues, as well as the entrance to the city from the South via the 6 de Noviembre highway.

These initiatives will be funded through the agreement between the Government and Aeropuertos Dominicanos Siglo XXI.

The main features of the project include the construction of a tunnel in Plaza de la Bandera spanning approximately 1.02 kilometers, with two lanes in each direction measuring 3.65 meters in width. Additionally, marginal roads, drainage systems, road signs, and other complementary works such as defense barriers will undergo rehabilitation.

The project also involves the creation of a lower reinforced concrete passage spanning 480 meters. This passage comprises three sections, each with a total width of 15 meters and two lanes in both directions measuring approximately 3.65 meters each. Separated by “New Jersey” type walls, this road will facilitate the uninterrupted flow of vehicles without the hindrance of traffic lights.

The 6 de Noviembre interchange will undergo modifications to create three additional ramps. Two of these ramps will feature two lanes measuring 3.65 meters each, serving as operational returns for both directions of the February 27 Extension. The third ramp will consist of three lanes, each measuring 3.65 meters, serving as a marginal road for the 27 de Febrero Extension.

Minister Ascención emphasized that the majority of the work will be carried out during nighttime and early morning hours to minimize disruption to traffic. He reassured the public that preventive measures are in place and urged travelers to plan alternative routes.

Furthermore, he highlighted the significance of these projects in connecting with Pedernales and expressed the aspiration to reduce travel time to this region as part of the government’s master plan for the Southwest of the country.

Onéximo González, advisor to the Minister of Public Works, underscored the meticulous planning behind the project, which included surveys and traffic counts. He emphasized that the construction work will be executed with precision to minimize disruptions to traffic flow.

Minister Ascención was joined by Vice Ministers Roberto Herrera, Elías Santana, and Ángel Tejeda, as well as General Rafael Vásquez Espínola, director of the Military and Police Commission (Comipol), among others.

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April 12, 2024 7:16 pm
