Local April 13, 2024 | 10:07 am

She paid 50,000 pesos to be appointed in the public sector, but it was a scam.

Barahona – Members of the Department of Investigation (Dicrim) arrested a woman in the province of Barahona accused of defrauding another woman out of 50,000 pesos, promising to get her a place in the competition to be appointed in the Ministry of Education.

This is Ana Minerva Terrero Sanchez, 37 years old, who had against her arrest warrant No. 589-01-2024-AJ-01199 for the abovementioned act.

The complainant, whose identity is being withheld, stated that after paying her the agreed sum of money, she never complied, so she kept the conversations they held via the instant messaging application WhatsApp as evidence of the deceit.

In that sense, the detainee was placed under the control of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the corresponding legal purposes.

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April 13, 2024 4:35 pm

Punish gullible and dumb , publish their names and pictures for educational purposes ,and you’ll see how quickly estafadores will be out of business …