Local May 21, 2024 | 8:24 am

Government in contact with countries forming Haiti security force

Santo Domingo.- On Monday, President Luis Abinader announced that his administration is coordinating with countries involved in establishing the multinational security support mission in Haiti. He emphasized the need to be informed about the arrival of these forces in the neighboring nation.

Abinader stated that all Dominican security agencies are prepared for any risks associated with the incoming multinational force, which will be deployed under the leadership of Kenya in the coming days.

During his Weekly Press Briefing, Abinader assured that the Dominican Republic has the necessary intelligence capabilities to respond to any situation. He noted that there are aspects of the situation that he cannot disclose publicly.

“We are accustomed to Haiti being in a state of perpetual crisis, and I dedicate daily attention to monitoring Haitian affairs,” said Abinader.

The president expressed hope that the arrival of the multinational troops would mark the beginning of stabilization in Haiti, although he acknowledged that “normalization there is different from what may occur in other countries.”

When questioned about whether the Presidential Council for the Transition in Haiti had congratulated him on his electoral victory, Abinader replied, “No, Haitians also face many protocol issues.”

Haiti is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first troops from the multinational mission, which aims to restore order in the country.

After nearly three months of closure due to the chaotic situation and armed ga ngs terrorizing Haiti, commercial flights resumed at Port-au-Prince airport on Monday.

Dozens of travelers arrived in Haiti along with the airlines Amerijet and Sunrise, which were the first to land, signaling a step towards normalcy at the main airport of the Haitian capital.

Gang violence resulted in 8,000 deaths in Haiti last year, with criminal organizations controlling 80% of Port-au-Prince, forcing approximately 245,000 people to flee their homes to escape the terror.

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