Local June 12, 2024 | 4:38 pm

India and Dominican Republic collaborate to enhance meteorological capabilities

Santo Domingo.- The governments of India and the Dominican Republic are taking steps to enhance technical capacities for forecasting and monitoring meteorological phenomena in the Caribbean nation through the National Meteorological Office (Onamet).

Minister of the Presidency Joel Santos Echavarría led the ceremony to deliver a memorandum of understanding, signed in May between the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and Onamet. He was joined by the Indian ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Ramu Abbagani, and the executive vice president of the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism, Max Puig.

“This agreement is an example of how technology can significantly contribute to addressing climate change, a critical issue for both the world and the Dominican Republic,” said Santos Echavarría. He emphasized the importance the government places on meteorological issues and the necessity of having timely information to take appropriate measures during natural events.

Ambassador Ramu Abbagani highlighted the memorandum’s significance for cooperative exchanges regarding early warning systems, capacity development in weather predictions, and data analysis, deeming it beneficial for both countries.

Max Puig noted that the current challenges in meteorology demand greater preparation for potential effects. “The negative effects of climate change require us to clearly define and implement all possible measures to mitigate and adapt to this phenomenon. Forecasting is essential, and strengthening our meteorological services and developing early warning systems is crucial,” he said.

The event, held at the National Palace, also included participation from Onamet director Gloria Ceballos and Vice Minister of Government Monitoring and Coordination of the Ministry of the Presidency, José Ramón Holguín.

Ceballos emphasized that India’s experience and knowledge will greatly benefit Onamet, while the Dominican Republic’s management of extreme weather phenomena will provide valuable insights for India, creating a mutually beneficial exchange.

About the Memorandum

The memorandum of understanding, signed in India, was represented by a Dominican commission led by Vice Minister José Ramón Holguín. The agreement was signed by IMD director Mrutyunjay Mohapatra and Dominican ambassador to India David Puig on behalf of Onamet director Gloria Ceballos.

Both parties agreed on a cooperation roadmap that includes training Onamet personnel, designed by the IMD, sharing experiences on early warning mechanisms, where India has shown outstanding results, and access to satellite data for developing meteorological models.

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