Local November 5, 2024 | 2:15 pm

Santiago to host forum on sustainable business development for Caribbean food chains

Santiago, DR.- Trias agri-agencies, the Pan-American Union of Engineers (Upadi), Acodea, and the French Association for International Solidarity (Afdi), in collaboration with Procasur and CLAC, will host the Forum on Sustainable Business Development for Food Chains in the Caribbean on November 8 at the León Center.

The event, part of the Peasant Organizations Program (FO4ACP) funded by the EU through IFAD and Agricord, aims to strengthen family farmers’ and entrepreneurs’ organizational capacities, improve market access, and foster climate-aware global citizenship. In the Dominican Republic, the program has transformed over 2,000 cocoa and banana farming families’ livelihoods in Valverde and Puerto Plata, advancing sustainable development.

The forum will feature experts discussing family farming, market access, and financial inclusion for small producers to boost inclusive, sustainable growth. Government bodies, international agencies, and producer organizations will also participate.

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