Senate approves first reading of bill to amend National Intelligence Law

Santo Domingo.- The Senate of the Republic has approved in a first reading a bill to amend Law 1-24, which governs the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI). Enacted in January 2024, the law is being updated to address national security needs and refine the state intelligence framework. This bill proposes revisions to over five articles, including Article 1, clarifying the DNI’s purpose as the governing body for state intelligence under the Constitution.
Concerns raised by the Dominican Society of Newspapers (SDD) about the law’s impact on press freedom and privacy prompted the government to form a special commission. This group, comprising SDD representatives, business leaders, lawyers, and civil society members, examined issues in Articles 9, 11, and 26, which potentially hinder journalistic protections. After months of review, the commission agreed on amendments to ensure the law protects journalists’ rights to confidentiality and aligns more clearly with constitutional principles.
Key updates include a provision explicitly requiring judicial authorization for DNI interventions to clarify the process and enhance transparency. The commission’s final report was presented to President Luis Abinader and subsequently submitted to Congress for further review.