People August 19, 2015 | 11:07 am

AES Dominicana donates 200 street lights to Boca Chica

Santo Domingo.- AESDominicana on Monday donated 200 streetlights to Boca Chica to bolster safety in30 sectors, channeled though city council members, mayor Daniel Ozuna and boardof trustees president Carmen Viviana Santana, among other officials.

City PR José Beato thankedAES Dominicana for its support, through the AES Andres power plant in the beachtown, which he affirms led to his community´s development.

In a statement AES said representatives of neighborhoodboards received the donation, headed by AES Dominicana communications andpublic relations director Bredyg Disla, accompanied by social and community responsibilitysupervisor Betty Mejia, and Andres plant operations supervisor Benito Rondon.

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