Dominican Republic rolls out its showbiz awards

Santo Domingo.- Today is the day: the Soberano (sovereign)Awards, organized by the show business critics grouped in ACROARTE) and hostedby the Dominican National Brewery (CND) will take place Tuesday night
This time the gala features a musical extravaganza by localand international performers such as salsa singer from Puerto Rican GilbertoSanta Rosa, and Dominican José Alberto "El Canario," hip-hoppers Ilegalesand local balladeer Maridalia Hernandez, among others.
With 235 nominees the awards will recognize outstanding figuresin Communication, Film and Classics.
Romeo Santos, Juan Luis Guerra, Anthony Santos and Miriam Cruzlead the nominations for the awards, to be held at the National Theater. Amongthe most nominations also figures the film Gunguna, with five.
The stage is set for the country’s maximum recognition ofthe show business scene, headed by humorists Cheddy Garcia and Irving Alberti, withthe red carpet headed by two Dominican Latin Beauty crown winners, DominicansClarissa Molina and Francisca Lachapel, among others.