Poverty June 28, 2016 | 11:07 am

Wage of hunger is going to explode: Ex-vice president warns

Santo Domingo.- Former vice president Milagros Ortiz Boschon Tuesday slammed what even mogul Pepin Corripio has warned against, thecountry’s wage of hunger.

She said the “wages of starvation” are the country’sbiggest problem, which in her view benefits a sector that holds the highest accumulationand unfairly distributes it.

"I think the problem of wages in this country is goingto explode," she said, and called a agreement between the National Policeand the Reservas bank to spur a culture of savings among officers who’re paid alow wage, “ridiculous.”

Interviewed on NCDN, channel 37, Ortiz said government corruption,insecurity and crime are also to blame for the situation.

“The government is forced to subsidize transport becausethe population cannot afford the fare because of low wages, which can’t pay foreven basic services such as water.”

"The Dominican wage is a starvation wage andentrepreneurs are the first ones to know that,” Ortiz said.

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