DR, China discuss importance of Chinese tourism for the country

Santo Domingo.– The China Chamber of Commerce ofthe Dominican Republic and the Dominican-Chinese Business Union held a touristmeeting to discuss the importance of Chinese tourism in the Dominican Republicand the Caribbean.
The first tourist meeting, heldat APEC University’s (UNAPEC) Culinary Hall, was attended by relevantpersonalities of the sector, including Tourism deputy minister Fausto Fernandez,who emphasized the importance of the Chinese market for achieving the goal thecountry has set.
Dominican-Chinese Chamber presidentYeuk Fai Cheung said that in recent years the Chinese tourism industry hasstrengthened, for the Asian country annually sends more than 100 million touriststo the rest of the world.
"The new Chinese policy is to focus investment and tourism destinations on the Caribbean and Latin America. It is a fact that in September this year we will have a direct flight from one of our major cities to Havana, Cuba," said Yeuk Fai Cheung.