Tourism September 3, 2015 | 3:45 pm

UN, IDB eye Santo Domingo´s Colonial Zone as tourism mecca

Santo Domingo.- UNESCO´sWorld Heritage Center on Thursday hosted the 3rd “Workshop to develop a strategyto manage the Colonial City as a sustainable tourism destination", headedby World Heritage specialist Peter Debrine and Solimar International CEO ChrisSeek.

The meeting sought topresent and validate the "Sustainable Tourism Strategy in Santo Domingo´sColonial City World Heritage Site" with public and private stakeholders toplan actions during one year, and disclose draft models to coordinate the destination.

The project isconducted at the request of the "Colonial City Tourism Development Program,"as part of the activities of its 3rd component: "Strengthening TourismManagement," resulting from an institutional collaboration agreement betweenthe Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and UNESCO.

Among the personalitiespresent in the activity were Deputy Tourism minister Fausto Fernandez, IDBrepresentative Flora Montealegre, National District City Council representativeSina del Rosario, Culture Ministry National Heritage Monuments (DNPM) director EddaGrullón, and Ovando City Association president Louis Brocker, among others.

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