Tourism May 4, 2018 | 11:38 am

Club Med joins Dominican Republic’s torrid tourism boom

Miches, Dominican Republic.- President Danilo Medina on Thurs. headed groundbreaking for the Club Med Miches hotel project, the second major development imitated in just one week.

The project financed by the Pioneer Investment Fund Management Company will house the property of the renown French hotel chain.

Pioneer Investment Fund vice president, Yamil Isaias, said for them it’s a day of rejoicing that marks a milestone for investment management fund companies in the Dominican Republic.

He said a country’s economic competitiveness can be measured by the development of its stock market, which has allowed them to be pioneers in the country and the first investment fund manager that invests in the tourism sector and contributes by bolstering the national economy.

Last week Medina headed groundbreaking for the Alta Vista Mountain Village in Jarabacoa, the country’s leading tourism destination.

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