Institutions agree to promote Puerto Plata as an investment and tourism destination

As part of the initiatives being developed in Puerto Plata to boost its economy comprehensively, the Puerto Plata Free Zone Corporation, the Chamber of Commerce and Production, and the destination’s Tourism Cluster signed an inter-institutional collaboration agreement to promote the “Puerto Plata, Investment and Tourism destination” program, through which the efforts of two of the main productive sectors of the region are joined, promoting Puerto Plata as a competitive destination.
The signatory entities agreed to carry out actions and projects that promote the new panorama of opportunities offered by the North Coast with the document.
In this sense, they committed to collaborating and making the facilities and capacities they have available to each other to maximize their resources in the municipality and province of Puerto Plata.
The agreement includes joint promotion as a tourist and investment destination to achieve better business opportunities that strengthen its brand and competitiveness.
Said pact was indicated by the presidents of the agreeing institutions, Loweski Luciano, for the Puerto Plata Free Zone, Sixto Peralta, for the Chamber of Commerce, and César José de los Santos for the Tourism Cluster.
“The document that we are signing today is essential for the North zone because we are looking for alternatives to boost all our productive sectors; for this, we seek the connection and support of local public institutions,” they explained.
Luciano informed that “likewise, we are going to create a technical work commission, made up of the executive directors of our institutions, and thus begin with the development of actions that imply the viability of this deal.”
On his side, Sixto Peralta considered that “It is an excellent joint work opportunity, with which the opportunities to attract investment for the tourism, agricultural and industrial sectors can be optimized, through surveys and studies carried out by our team. and that can be used to promote both nationally and internationally.”
“It is also part of our vision to hold business rounds. In Zona Franca, we have the opportunity to create a sizeable fair center with which we can motivate this dynamic, making business opportunities take place throughout the year, he added.
Likewise, César José de los Santos also valued integrating the efforts and resources made available to make this agreement more efficient.
“Puerto Plata is not just a vacation destination; we have everything to invest in other economic areas and thus strengthen our chain of services and value; we are going to motivate our workforce and the use of our local products,” he assured.