Tourism May 9, 2023 | 10:45 am

Central Bank projects the Dominican Republic will close 2023 with 7.8 million tourists

Santo Domingo.- The governor of the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, Héctor Valdez Albizu, has stated that the country’s tourism sector is expected to receive 7.8 million non-resident passengers by air by the end of 2023 if current trends continue. He also noted that hotels, bars, and restaurants had the greatest contribution to the country’s gross domestic product in 2022, with a year-on-year expansion of 24.0% in its real added value.

Valdez Albizu’s comments were made after a meeting with an IMF delegation, whose head of the Monetary Fund mission, Emilio Fernández-Corugedo, stated that the Dominican economy is proactive in regulating and supervising the financial system, exhibiting a good business climate. The IMF also praised the country’s robust financial system and solid macroeconomic fundamentals, stating that the Dominican economy was the most “dynamic” and “resilient” in the last two decades in Latin America.

The positive outlook for the tourism sector and the overall strength of the Dominican economy bode well for the country’s continued economic growth and development.

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