Tourism June 17, 2023 | 9:00 am

Arajet: “Open skies with the U.S. will allow us to fly to New York for only US$400”

Santo Domingo.- Arajet CEO Victor Pacheco has promised that the “open skies” with the United States will allow the airline to offer fares to New York from Santo Domingo and Santiago at US$400, a quarter of the current rate.

“An airfare to New York on other airlines costs US$1,700, with Arajet the passenger would pay US$1,300 less. This is equivalent to saying that they would have a substantial relief for their pockets, when they decide to visit a friend or relative, or when they simply have to travel to the Big Apple for an errand,” he explained.

Pacheco added that “the expectation is that by the end of the year Arajet will be transporting a greater number of passengers, given its expansion plan to the United States, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, in addition to the fact that the company expects to double its fleet of aircraft from five to ten.”

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Ramon Garcia
June 17, 2023 10:38 am

The only obstacle is this adverse Biden’s administration and its extremist progressive and liberal policies.

June 17, 2023 1:02 pm

I don’t get it. Three weeks ago my daughter flew from EWR to SDQ for $389 r/t with 2 days notice. How do they figure a ‘normal’ (assuming Coach) ticket is $1,700? Is that like, you’re driving by the airport and say, “Hey, I think I take a trip today”, and grab a last seat available, same-day at-the counter $1,700 ticket? Does anyone do that? Not me. When I’m traveling I usually know it weeks (or even months) in advance. If for nothing else so you don’t arrive at the family’s house in the barrio w/o a suitcase of gifts

June 17, 2023 5:56 pm

I’ll believe it when i see it…