Tourism July 22, 2023 | 10:11 am

JAC demands urgent solutions to JetBlue’s ongoing problems

Santo Domingo.- José Marte Piantini, president of the Civil Aviation Board (JAC), reported, “JetBlue has to fulfill the commitments as a flight company and being one of the airlines most used by Dominicans; these complaints can not keep happening.”

“It is customary that every 2 or 3 months we come back with complaints, that is why we are demanding that they inform us about what is really happening; already with the explanations they give, Dominicans are not satisfied because we do not want them to give us explanations, we want them to solve the problems, not every time an unforeseen event happens it is always because of the same thing,” he indicated.

The official told that “in terms of facilitations, the JAC is the entity in charge of this, we live above all the airlines, both national and international, and with JetBlue there has been a constant problem with the issue of delays. Sometimes passengers are not even informed of the delay.”

“This has to stop, an airline is subject to its own customers, which is why we are going to continue insisting that they have to improve service, because sooner or later local airlines will expand and cover the Dominican market,” he added.

Marte Piantini explained, “we will always support foreign airlines, but for this they have to comply. We can not always be in the same thing, I am not satisfied as president of the Civil Aviation Board with the situation with JetBlue, but we are being very hard on them. People don’t know about this because they are internal procedures. It is an abuse against passengers, especially Dominicans.”

He emphasized that JetBlue has to look for a solution, “there is not always bad weather, and if they are short staffed, they have to hire.”

“It’s already rare that they don’t have problems. JetBlue has become that, so we are encouraging local aviation, we have very good local airlines (Arajet, SkyHigh) that come with many expansions in their operations,” he emphasized.

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July 22, 2023 11:24 pm

on July 18th they kept people over 12 hours in the JFK (NY) airport …my cousins are elderly couple, and it wasn’t pretty…shame on you jetblue…you should get delisted…shareholders sell, they going bankrupt with this shenanigans…