Health July 27, 2023 | 2:14 pm

The bill that declares Santiago a “province of health tourism” advances

Photo from arecoa

Santiago.- The Permanent Commission of Public Health of the Senate of the Republic in the Dominican Republic has made progress in analyzing a bill that aims to declare Santiago as a “province of health tourism.” The Health Commission, led by Senator Lía Díaz Santana, has agreed to study the legislative proposal with support from existing laws related to the Dominican Social Security System and the Defense of Competition.

The main objective of the bill is to promote health tourism in the province of Santiago, seeking to enhance health services, improve collective well-being, and contribute to the economic and social development of the region. The declaration of Santiago as a province of Health Tourism aims to attract more visitors seeking medical and wellness services in the city.

Senator Eduardo Estrella, the president of the Senate and a promoter of this initiative, has highlighted the significant investments made in the health sector in the city of Santiago, making it an ideal candidate for health tourism promotion.

By declaring Santiago as a province of health tourism, the government aims to leverage the city’s healthcare infrastructure and services to attract both domestic and international tourists seeking specialized medical treatments and wellness services. The bill’s advancement in the Senate’s Health Commission is a significant step in the process of implementing this policy.

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