World April 19, 2023 | 4:38 pm

Deputy arrested in the US submits Pacheco to justice for late payments since his arrest

On Wednesday, Alfredo Pacheco, President of the Chamber of Deputies, announced that the lawyers representing the imprisoned legislator, Miguel Gutiérrez, have demanded that he be paid back wages since his arrest. Gutiérrez, who represents the Santiago province, was detained on May 18 at Miami International Airport.

On Tuesday, the President of the PRM, José Ignacio Paliza, requested that Pacheco, as head of the deputies, replace Gutiérrez. In response, Pacheco stated that the Commission would evaluate whether a political trial should be carried out for dereliction of duty due to the fact that Gutiérrez has not been convicted, as explained in articles 88 of the Constitution and 31 of the Regulations.

Furthermore, Pacheco informed the chamber that the communication issued by the PRM regarding Deputy Miguel Gutiérrez is being referred to the Disciplinary Commission.

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Paul Tierney
April 19, 2023 7:11 pm

It could be suggested his salary be placed in a bank escrow account. He is in jail in the US for alleged drug trafficking in US, Columbia, and RD. If he is brought to trial in the US and convicted the escrow money would revert to the RD treasury. If he is found innocent the money in the escrow can be released to him.

April 19, 2023 10:38 pm
Reply to  Paul Tierney

he’s gonna do time in states …they’ll make example of him …

bernie sierra
April 20, 2023 10:41 am
Reply to  Paul Tierney

He is not being accuse of committing any crime in this country so there for suspending a person salary payment here in the Dominican Republic is not permitted. After the person is convicted then they can do it because the person would not be able to fulfill his job in the country. Innocent until proven guilty.

Paul Tierney
April 20, 2023 8:23 am

I suspect that if there is no indication of his release soon by the US the RD government will need to replace his position in the Chamber. The findings of the Disciplinary Commission, if it gets involved, will impact how the gov’t will proceed with Gutierrez

bernie sierra
April 20, 2023 10:43 am
Reply to  Paul Tierney

He would be spell from congress if he is convicted of the charges that he is being accuse of in the US. That is what our laws dictates.

bernie sierra
April 20, 2023 10:38 am

The laws in this country are very clear and Pacheco knew that. You cannot suspend payment to someone whom is still an employee even if that person is being held in detention accuse of a crime.

Paul Tierney
April 21, 2023 9:14 am

Just wondering how Gutierrez voted 19 times in legislative sessions in 2023 when he was in jail in the US? Something smells!