World April 26, 2023 | 8:28 am

Dominican Republic will host customs meeting of America, Spain and Portugal

Santo Domingo.- Customs officials and directors from America, Spain, and Portugal will hold three meetings in the Dominican Republic from May 15 to 19 to discuss “exploring good practices” and “identifying common opportunities and challenges,” the Dominican General Directorate of Customs (DGA) said in a statement. The conference will take place in Punta Cana and will focus on the “modernization” of customs and logistics systems.

The first meeting is the XLIII Meeting of National Directors for the Multilateral Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the national Customs Directorates of Latin America, Spain, and Portugal (Comalep), to be held on May 15 and 16. The III Customs Joint Forum: Private Sector Regional Group will take place on May 17, exploring opportunities for alliance and joint solutions between the business sector and customs. The third and final meeting is the XXV Regional Conference of Customs Directors General (Crdga 2023), to be held from May 17 to 18, where the “main actors” of customs management in the region, Spain, and Portugal will share concerns, innovations, knowledge exchange opportunities, and promote public-private alliances.

They aim to strengthen the transport of goods, expedite customs procedures, maximize the competitiveness of nations, and find ways to strengthen security controls in different ports while enhancing relations between different countries.


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Paul Tierney
April 27, 2023 8:48 am

At what location in Punta Cana will this meeting take place? Barcelo? Hard Rock? Westin?

When there is a car accident the media publishes accident location by kilometer; the vehicle make, model, year, color, & plate number; damages; deaths; injuries; photos, sometimes including cedulas/passports; names, ages, and gender of victims. So why can’t the media publish the exact location of a future news event? Is it too hard to question the organizers? Is it top secret?