World June 20, 2023 | 10:40 am

Military experts propose new ways to address complex threats in nations

Photo Source: Roberto Cavada Noticias

During the 2023 Special Forces Leaders Seminar on “Hybrid Warfare and Conflict in the Gray Zone,” specialists discussed the evolving challenges to defense and security faced by nations and how to address them through joint and collaborative military efforts.

Organized by the Ministry of Defense (MIDE) and the United States Southern Command, with academic endorsement from the United States Joint Special Operations University and MIDE’s Higher Institute for Defense, the seminar’s first day focused on regional challenges. Retired General Juan Carlos Salazar Salazar of the Colombian Army delivered a conference on “threats, challenges, and challenges in the region,” emphasizing the complex contexts and the strategic competencies needed to combat transnational threats.

In a panel discussion moderated by retired Major General Simeón Trombitas, the current dynamics in the Western Hemisphere were analyzed. Brigadier General Vicente Cantero from Paraguay and General Brigadier Vicente Mota Medina from INSUDE discussed concerns such as climate change, transnational crime, and the impact of economic warfare on military planning.

Retired Brigadier General Augusto Álvarez Torres from Peru addressed the concept of hybrid warfare, while international relations expert Iván Gatón highlighted the dangers posed by extremist groups drawing followers based on religion. Colonel Marcos Cortés, commander of the Second Battalion of the Mexican special forces, stressed the importance of maintaining close relationships with friendly countries to address new threats and challenges.

One of the conference topics on the first day was the “Women, Peace, and Security Program (WPS)” presented by First Class Sergeant Elizabeth Almonte from the United States. She emphasized the need to evaluate the positions women hold in the military, address obstacles to their promotion, and recognize their strategic leadership and conciliatory capacities in conflict resolution. Almonte stressed the importance of promoting women’s contributions in the security sector, noting that investing in women not only changes their lives, families, and communities but also transforms the military institution and the country as a whole.

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