World July 20, 2023 | 11:17 am

Minister expounds on youth at the European Union Forum in Brussels

Rafael Jesús Féliz García, the Minister of Youth, participated as a panelist in the EU-LAC Forum held at the European Union headquarters. The forum, titled “Partners in Change: Youth, Society, and Local Authorities,” aimed to discuss important youth-related issues on an international level.

During the plenary session, the focus was on the situation of youth in Latin America and the Caribbean. Minister Féliz García emphasized the significance of environmental protection and the role of technology in achieving a “green transformation.” He stressed the need to establish mechanisms to monitor the commitments made regarding youth in the context of the green transition, technological transformation, sustainable economic investments, democracy, gender, and inequalities. Féliz García highlighted that young people are catalysts for change and emphasized the importance of dialogue between Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

The minister also drew attention to the demographic dividend offered by the large population of Latin American and Caribbean youth, which amounts to approximately 160 million. He emphasized the necessity of harnessing this demographic advantage for sustainable, green, digital, and economic transitions.

Furthermore, Féliz García paid tribute to Juan Pablo Duarte, a key figure in Dominican history and the struggle for democracy. On the occasion of the anniversary of Duarte’s death on July 15, the minister highlighted the youth, values, and democratic efforts embodied by the national hero.

The EU-LAC Forum aims to foster inclusive exchanges with non-state actors and explore opportunities for building a sustainable and inclusive future for the regions involved.

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