Icelandic man, Magnus Kristinn Magnusson, missing in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- Interpol has issued a yellow notice to help locate Magnus Kristinn Magnusson, an Icelandic citizen who went missing while in the Dominican Republic. His disappearance occurred on September 12 in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. Magnus Kristinn Magnusson is 36 years old and originally from Reykjavik, Iceland. He speaks English and Icelandic.
Yellow notices are issued by Interpol to assist in locating missing individuals, often minors, or to help identify individuals who cannot identify themselves. Interpol has requested that anyone with information about Magnus Kristinn Magnusson’s whereabouts contact the National or Local Police and the General Secretariat of Interpol.
Yiyo Sarante canta muy bien …
“Ya pasaron (casi) tres semanas y mi fe
Se escapó por la ventana…