World December 1, 2023 | 8:11 am

Dominican Republic, one of Henry Kissinger’s favorite destinations

Santo Domingo.- Henry Kissinger, the former United States Secretary and Nobel Peace Prize laureate (1973), had a long-standing connection with the Dominican Republic, often choosing the country for his visits and holiday celebrations. His first visit was in 1976, a trip characterized by political and friendship ties, particularly with fashion designer Oscar de la Renta. Kissinger spent Christmas 1986 in the Dominican Republic, invited by de la Renta. A notable lunch hosted by the designer was attended by then-President Salvador Jorge Blanco.

Kissinger’s interest in the Dominican Republic was evident through his repeated visits during Dr. Joaquín Balaguer’s presidency. His initial trip in June 1976, part of a Latin American tour, was to meet President Balaguer. This visit was considered a gesture of goodwill and friendship reaffirmation. Kissinger toured historical sites in Santo Domingo and visited the First Cathedral of America.

During this visit, Kissinger returned three century-old bells to the Dominican Republic, which had been displayed in a Chicago museum. In December 1986, he met with President Balaguer at the National Palace, emphasizing the renewal of their friendship and acknowledging the nation’s democratic progress. However, there were speculations in the media about other motives for his visit, including intervening in legal matters involving Salvador Jorge Blanco.

Kissinger also celebrated Christmas in Casa de Campo, La Romana, in 1988. In 1996, he expressed willingness to assist Leonel Fernández’s administration, discussing foreign policy and Haiti relations in Manhattan.

Kissinger, born in 1923 in Fürth, Germany, to a Jewish family that fled to New York from Nazism, passed away at age 100 in Connecticut. He was known for his influential and controversial diplomatic career, including secret negotiations to end the Vietnam War, establishing U.S.-China diplomatic relations, and his involvement in various international political scenarios such as supporting dictatorships and Operation Condor. Kissinger uniquely held the positions of Secretary of State and National Security Advisor simultaneously in the U.S.


Source: Agency EFE

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December 1, 2023 12:17 pm

Good riddance…

December 1, 2023 5:40 pm

Last time we were together in 2017 Punta Cana , he was still typing on old typewriter …
We had a nice chat and drink ,that was the last time we saw each other …
It was the pleasure knowing you all these years …